The Design and Evolution of the Akamai Workforce Initiative – An External Review by Inverness Research

Publication: July 2014

Project: Akamai Workforce Initiative (AWI)

Authors: Mark St. John, Pam Castori

Type: Brief

Download Brief (pdf, 8 pages)


The Akamai Workforce Initiative (AWI) is a program that seeks to develop a skilled local STEM workforce to meet the needs of Hawai’i’s growing high-tech industry. AWI began as an internship program launched in 2002 and is the result of a long-term collaboration between the University of California Santa Cruz’s Institute for Scientist & Engineer Educators (ISEE), the University of Hawai’i, and local Hawaiian high-tech businesses, observatories, Air Force facilities, and higher education partners. AWI provides courses, mentors, and field-based project opportunities to help local Hawaiian college students advance their high-tech careers. This collaboration of a professional development program for early career scientists and engineers with a local workforce development initiative is a unique design that brings benefits to both the early career scientists and engineers and the undergraduates in training.

Authors of this brief are Dr. Mark St. John and Dr. Pam Castori, senior researchers at Inverness Research, which has more than 25 years of experience studying the design, implementation, and contributions of a wide range of educational improvement initiatives. Inverness conducted this retrospective review of AWI through site visits, reviews of documents, and extensive discussions with AWI leaders and advisors.

See the overview introduction and links to all the Akamai briefs.

Intended Audience

STEM Educators, School and District Administrators, Funders, and general public.


Any and all errors are claimed by the authors of this document, Inverness Research, Inc.

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Inverness Research Inc. grants permission to print and distribute copies.