Project: Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession (CSTP), Washington State

Authors: Laura Stokes, Jenifer Helms

With assistance of: Judy Hirabayashi, Allison Murray, Mary Regan, Laurie Senauke, Inverness Research Inc., and Dr. Judy Swanson, of Research for Quality Schools

Type: Brief & Reports

Publication: August 2008 – May 2010 (final publish date)

Evaluation of the New Teacher Alliance of Washington’s Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession

New Teacher Support in Washington: Shared Responsibility and Shared Benefits (Brief) (pdf, 4 pages) May 2010 – Summary Lessons and Implications from the New Teacher Alliance of the Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession.

The Experiences, Perceptions, and Needs of New Teachers: A Window onto District Capacity for High Quality Induction (pdf, 46 pages) August 2008 – Year Two Report for the New Teacher Alliance of the Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession; includes Appendices.

Improving New Teacher Supports Through District Capacity-Building (pdf, 54 pages) August 2009 – Final Evaluation Report for CSTP’s New Teacher Alliance; includes an Executive Summary and Appendices.


The New Teacher Alliance (NTA) funded the development of mentoring programs and other supports for novice teachers in seven Washington districts for three years, from 2006-2009. The NTA was sponsored by the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation as a program of the Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession (CSTP). For information on the NTA, see www.cstp-wa.org.

Inverness Research evaluated the NTA over the full grant period. The foci of the evaluation were twofold:

1) Measuring increases in district capacity to provide high quality support for new teachers. Appendix A in the 2009 report includes the full framework used to measure these key district capacities:

A. Professional culture
B. Curriculum and support for instruction

A. Vision and leadership
B. Defined new teacher support program
C. Policy and other mechanisms for sustainability

This framework is a product of the evaluation and designed for either internal or external assessment of capacity to provide new teacher support in schools and districts.

2) Documenting new teachers’ perspectives on the sources and types of support that were valuable to them. Appendix B of the 2008 report includes the new teacher survey.

Three documents comprise the evaluation portfolio for the NTA. The Research and Policy Brief (4 pages) summarizes the major lessons learned from the project and their implications for all levels of the system, including the state, districts, schools, the profession, and new teachers. The Evaluation Reports present detailed findings from the summative assessment of district capacity (2009) and documentation of new teacher perspectives (2008).

Intended Audience

Education policy-makers, Science Curriculum Developers, Science Educators, Science-Technology-Engineering-Math (STEM) Education Leaders, Funders, and general public.


Any and all errors are claimed by the authors of this document, Inverness Research, Inc.

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