Helping Science Teachers Experience Phenomena-based Science Learning and Understand the NGSS
– Final Report of the Exploratorium Teacher Institute’s NIH-SEPA Project
Publication: June 2019
Project: Exploratorium Teacher Institute’s NIH-SEPA Project
Authors: Heather Mitchell, Michelle Phillips, Laura Stokes
Type: Report
Download Report (pdf, 36 pages)
The story of the Teacher Institute’s NIH-SEPA grant is about evolution and lessons learned in the time of NGSS. This final report is in four modules. Module 1 provides background, a summary of key takeaways from the evaluation, and an overview of Modules 2, 3, and 4. Module 2 summarizes why and how the Teacher Institute’s NIH-SEPA work evolved away from the original vision. It emphasizes the lessons TI scientist-educators learned about NGSS, about supporting teachers in addressing NGSS, and about the involvement of scientists in this endeavor. Module 3 portrays the trajectory of a teacher’s professional learning over the period of the SEPA grant. The case opens a window onto the realities that districts face as they attempt to address the NGSS in their districts. Module 4 includes accounts of how three experienced TI alumni anchor their science teaching to phenomena. All three teachers’ use of phenomena-based approaches emphasize their efforts to make the science learning not only engaging but deeply relevant to the students. Each profile includes sample artifacts of teaching and learning. The profiles exemplify the kind of teaching that the Teacher Institute supports and that aligns with NGSS.
Intended Audience
Science-Technology-Engineering-Math (STEM) Education Leaders, Teachers, School and District Administrators, Funders, and general public.
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