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Abstract and Link to Report

The Appalachian Rural Systemic Initiative: Reflections on Ten Years of Work
(Slide presentation)


Dr. Mark St. John, Inverness Research Inc.


This slide show presents reflections upon 10 years of work done by the Appalachian Rural Systemic Initiative (ARSI), a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded effort to improve science and mathematics education in some of the poorest rural counties in the country. Our research group, Inverness Research Associates, was contracted by ARSI to serve as the external evaluators to the project. Our job has been to help document the work of the project, the realities ARSI staff have been confronted with in doing their work, and the accomplishments of the project. Our work has largely consisted of visiting a sample of districts at select times over the course of the project, and providing feedback to ARSI staff based on our observations and interviews. To that end, throughout the years, we have written several evaluation reports detailing our findings.

This slide show attempts to capture and portray the Appalachian Rural Systemic Initiative in such a way that outsiders can understand the journey the project has taken, the nature of the challenges the project has faced along the way, and the "lessons learned" the project has made in its efforts to assist districts in improving their math and science programs.

Intended Audience

Science and Mathematics Educators, Teachers, Reform Leaders, District Administrators, and general public.


Any and all errors are claimed by the authors of this document, Inverness Research Associates

Date published

July 2005

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Inverness Research Inc. grants permission to print and distribute copies.

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