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Abstract and Link to Report

Algebra Project DR K-12 Cohorts - Demonstration Project - Summative Evaluation Report


Inverness Research Inc.


The Algebra Project DR K-12, funded by the National Science Foundation as a Research and Development Project, addressed the challenge of offering significant STEM content for students to ensure public literacy and workforce readiness. The project's primary purpose was to test the feasibility and effectiveness of a model for establishing four-year cohorts of low performing 9th graders learning accelerated mathematics with the goal of being college-ready at the end of high school. Students would:

  • Complete four years of accelerated high school math, pass high school graduation tests, and meet college entrance requirements
  • Be accepted to college and place into non-remedial math courses as freshmen
  • Develop more positive attitudes towards and be more confident in mathematics and begin to demand math literacy for themselves

Inverness Research's Study

Inverness Research (IR) conducted the summative evaluation for the Algebra Project DR K-12. The evaluation sought to understand the model and articulate its theory of action. It studied the work of the sites to learn about the cohorts, identifying the successes and challenges of the work, and what the essential components of the model are. The full report portrays the work at the individual sites and how the model played out across sites, identifying lessons learned about and the value of the cohort model and the feasibility of more widespread use.

To monitor the progress and developments of the demonstration sites and the work of the AP leadership team, the evaluators attended project-wide meetings, conducted periodic phone interviews with key stakeholders, and made annual site visits for two years. Data collection methods included observations of classrooms and project events; interviews with teachers, families, students, and administrators; and student surveys. Additionally, Inverness talked with representatives of Algebra Project leadership in a formative role and wrote annual updates for NSF.

Intended Audience

Math and Science Reform Leaders, Foundations, and general public.


Any and all errors are claimed by the authors of this document, Inverness Research, Inc.

Date published

January 2014

Distribution Policy

Inverness Research Inc. grants permission to print and distribute copies.

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This report is published in two PDFs: one contains the main body of the report (with both Executive Summary and full Summative Evaluation Report) and the other file containst the Appendices.

Download Summative Evaluation Report (58 pages)

Download Appendices of Evaluation Report (34 pages)



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