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Mathematics Assessment Program (MAP):
Project Portfolio


Welcome to Inverness Research's Mathematics Assessment Program (MAP) Project Portfolio. In this portfolio, we present a range of perspectives on MAP Classroom Challenges designed and developed to support U.S. schools and teachers in implementing the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM).

The Math Assessment Project (MAP) is a collaborative effort between teams of mathematics educators from the Shell Center for Mathematical Education at the University of Nottingham and from the University of California, Berkeley. MAP is developing 100 Classroom Challenges (CCs) to be used in middle and high school math classrooms, that are available to teachers to download free of charge for non-commercial use from the MAP website. Originally called "formative assessment lessons," or FALs, MAP Classroom Challenges are unique hybrids that incorporate elements of mathematical investigations, lessons, assessments, and cooperative group collaborations. They have been piloted by several dozen 6th through 12th grade classroom teachers in Rhode Island, Michigan, and California, and those that have been completed are being widely used by the general public in a range of different contexts.

We at Inverness Research were asked by MAP to study the Classroom Challenges and to create a series of realistic, easily accessible portrayals that illuminate the unique nature and design of the CCs, as well as both the challenges and benefits of implementing them. This Project Portfolio is a collection of documents intended to be useful to a range of audiences -- teachers who hope to understand what a MAP Classroom Challenge is and how other teachers have used them effectively in their classrooms, administrators who are interested in supporting their teachers in implementing Classroom Challenges, and professional development providers and others who advocate the benefits of formative assessment in mathematics education.

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