December 2008: TEAMS III: Lessons Learned from the Long-Term Investment in the TEAMS Collaborative and Summative Evaluation Report - abstract and report
December 2008: Investing in the Improvement of Education: Lessons to be Learned from the National Writing Project - abstract and report
November 2008: Strengthening the Capacity of Informal Science Education as a Contributor to Education Improvement: A Reflective Assessment of the Center For Informal Learning And Schools (CILS) - abstract and report
November 2008 | A Bridge to Somewhere - Investing in the NWP: The Creation of Educational Capital
- abstract and slides with notes
October 2008 | The Case for Long-Term Investment in Strengthening the Teaching Profession: An Assessment of the Contributions of CSTP at Age Five - abstract and report
October 2008 | Playful Invention and Exploration (PIE) Institute Project: Final Evaluation Report - Executive Summary and Full Report - abstract and reports
July 2008 | American Museum of Natural History's Seminars on Science Evaluation Porfolio - A series of reports - overview and reports
May 2008 | Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE)-Reverse Site Visit (Slide presentation) - abstract and slides
April 2008 | In-Depth Science Research Experiences for Teens: The American Museum of Natural History's ITEST High School Science Research Program - Summative Evaluation Report - abstract and report
October 2006 | Portland USP: Five Years of Building Systemic Support for Math and Science Education Improvement, 2001-2006 (posted in 2008) - abstract and report
October 2004 | TEAMS: Criteria for Rich and At-Risk Exhibits (Slide presentation) (posted in 2008) - abstract and slides
April 2008 | NWP: An Evaluator's Perspective on the Importance of Federal Support of the National Writing Project (Slide presentation and handout) - abstract and slides and handout
March 2008 | Teachers' Assessments of Professional Development Quality, Value And Benefits: Results from Seven Annual Surveys Of Participants in National Writing Project Summer Institutes - abstract and report
Feburary 2008 | Getting Better At Getting Better: The Role Of Networks (Slide Presentation) - abstract and slides
January 2008 | The Appalachian Math Science Partnership
- The Appalachian Math Science Partnership: A Multi-State Umbrella Partnership Promoting Local Mathematics And Science Reform - abstract and report
- The Appalachian Math Science Partnership: A Multi-State Umbrella Partnership Promoting Local Mathematics And Science Reform -
Close-Up Reports - abstract and report
January 2008 | Ten Years of Youth Programs at the American Museum
of Natural History: An Independent Perspective and Lessons Learned - abstract and report
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